FEA Logo


Global Production
Logistic Facilitation
And Digital Development


Founded in 2018, FEA Europe GmbH excels in product development and manufacturing, leveraging strong networks in the North America and Asia.
We manage the entire product lifecycle from idea development to market entry with top-notch quality control, market research, prototyping, feasibility studies, production planning, supply chain management, and effective marketing strategies.

Idea Development

Explore product strengths and weaknesses, assess production feasibility, and conduct thorough market research. Analyze target demographics and the general public, and scout industry experts to form a skilled development team.

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Evaluate and refine initial concepts, develop functional prototypes, and iterate through continuous product improvements. Conduct comprehensive testing, redefine product specifications, and perform extensive material research and testing.

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Prepare for large-scale manufacturing by finalizing detailed product specifications, conducting feasibility studies, and refining production plans. Implement rigorous quality control measures for all products to ensure they meet the highest standards before full-scale production. This stage ensures all aspects are optimized and quality is assured throughout the production process.

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Virtual Tours

3D Products & AR

Enhance your online presence and customer engagement

with our virtual tours and showrooms

offering an immersive Google Street View experience of your showroom, office, store, or any space with

customizable features

such as e-commerce integration, radars, password-protection and more.

Through our partnership with Mazing, we also can offer

3D models and AR applications

for any of your products

bringing digital experiences to life with cutting-edge technology

Market Calculations

Estimate production costs accurately, perform detailed price calculations, and conduct market release tests to gauge market acceptance. This helps in pricing strategy and financial planning.

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Supply Chain Management

Efficiently handle certification processes, navigate complex import regulations and tax considerations, and prepare custom documentation. This ensures a smooth and compliant supply chain process from start to finish.

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Design and test innovative packaging solutions, research suitable packaging formats and sustainable materials, and finalize the end product packaging. This enhances product appeal and ensures safe delivery.

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Reevaluate product specifications based on test productions, ensure rigorous quality control, and build and facilitate a robust supply chain and logistics network. This guarantees seamless and efficient production processes.

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Market Entry

Continuously evaluate product pricing, quality, and customer feedback. Develop comprehensive marketing strategies, effective PR campaigns, and establish strong sales channels. Provide exceptional customer service to ensure a successful market entry and long-term customer satisfaction.

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Our Partners

Modus Furniture Logo
Threadapeutic Furniture Logo
Mazing Logo
Modus Furniture

The main partner of FEA Europe GmbH is Modus Furniture in the USA.

USA website EU subsite
"Modus Furniture is a leading casegoods supplier to the home furnishings retail industry. Our differentiated, trend-forward product line is manufactured with premium materials, proprietary finishes, and added value features. With domestic distribution, vertical manufacturing, and operations on three continents, we offer programs for every retailer, from private label to domestic warehouse."
Modus Furniture


A textile art studio working with fabric offcuts. Led by Hana Surya since 2015.

Open to commissions for tapestries and interior panels

official website Instagram



is our partner for 3D models and AR applications.

official website Instagram

Contact Us

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 17:00
Address: Brudergasse 213b, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 8191 428 5061
Email: info@feaeurope.com

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